The dessert platter as designed by Jon..
Had an awesome dinner on Wed and too bad no pictures were taken. Beautiful place and shall say the whole atmosphere is unforgettable!
Thurs night was a wonderful dinner at Melben Seafood in Ang Mo Kio. The bill came to a whopping $400++! We had 4 extra huge crabs cooked in different styles~. 1 Chili crabs, 2 Butter crab, 1 crab beehoon! After dining there for more than 2 years, I just realised that the boss is actually a family friend! Haha! Many thanks to Uncle Alvin for the treat as we had a very full dinner!
Cousin Danny and I holding on to Butter Crab~!
Family photo!
Drinks with Saulin at Fullerton was great! Although she was late but I guess her company made up for it! Am really to know someone like her. Always willing to lend a listening ear and a great friend indeed!
May Ee came back early..ONCE AGAIN!! That girl.. always springing suprises on us like that. Although its great to have her back, we had to re-shuffle some plans instead. Still, I love you sister!
Drinks at Fullerton..
Christmas party with some salsa friends on Sat night and it was good. It was well organised and due to the suprise my sister sprung on my family, I was unable to help out. Thankfully, everything worked out well. I had to leave the party early to attend to something and its still a great night after-all!~
Grp pic with feast right in front!
Sunday was the day of eating glutinous rice balls (Tang Yuan). I did not make it this time. Left it all to May Ee as she enjoyed doing it. Everything was good and supper with best friends after that. Melvin and NBX came to pick me up and we spent some time talking and time really flies~. Thanks guys!! Am really glad to have friends like you all!
Dinner with Katherine on Monday opened my eyes to alot of stuff and I really enjoyed the coffee and dinner session with her. I am blessed to know a friend like her and am suprised that although there is a wide generation gap, we managed to talk for hours! She is looking good and am very happy for her!
Went on for coffee with Valris as she had night shift and picked Danny from Parklane before coming home. He is sleeping over for 2 nights! A typical cousin pajamas party! Haha.
Alright, I will stop here as I have yet to upload the pictures from today. WIll hope to write more happy stuff after tomorrow!