Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mid Sem term break

Yes. Its finally here. The long awaited mid sem term break! Although it only a week long but still its about time we all need some rest from all the lessons. However, I had been approached from students to teach during this break and they are willing to pay. I got to agree as it only means more money and I am in need of it.

Most of the results for mid semester exams are out. Overall, I am happy with them. Of course I could had done better in couple of them but then again, judging by my scores, I am happily sitting on the top 20 percentile at least.

I know F1 is already in Singapore and I was reminded of it when I received lovely postcards from a dearest friend. It came as a big surprise. It wasn't one card, but 2!!! They were sent 5 days apart! Perhaps its been a long time since I last received anything from anyone from Singapore. Last one I got, was a birthday card from Shirine.

lovely cards...

I am very thankful for having someone who actually remembered and sent me the postcard even though its free. I guess its just the feeling of being missed. The contents of the cards, is filled with encouraging words and even an invitation to join her at F1~!

One would only understand the feeling of receiving something from home when he/she experience it. I guess mainly because I am the type who naturally likes to send cards home and never thought of receiving one myself, receiving these cards totally made my day.

It was very thoughtful of her. I guess 4-5 years of friendship definitely runs deep. I guess that just gives me another reason to look forward to coming back~!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Mexican Night. Thomas's party.

I survived the worst week~! The 3 assessments on Wed was good. After which I went for Mexican Night party at Erin's. Bringing a sombrero and going in red, I was dressed for the theme as requested by the hostess. Soon after I arrived, Erin drew a moustache on me and I started speaking in Spanish! Haha.

It was a good evening filled with delicious food. Nachos with dip and chicken tortillas. Yummy!

3 Amigos... Emmy... myself.. Trish..

Nachos with mince and dips.. yummmmy.. forgot to take pic of chicken tortillas.. was too hungry..

She's gonna kill me...

One of the grp pics we had... =)

I could only afford to party that night as I was having another bug exam on Sat morning. The brilliant me suggested that we all camp over in Uni on Fri night and understand all the concepts we needed to know just so we could all be well-prepared for the exam. It was a camp indeed. Got ourselves a big project room and start bringing in the eski (ice-box) from my car. Salami, cheese, ham, bread, tomato, cucumber.. etc. Everything you need for a healthy sandwich is there. Coffee powder, hot thermos, creamer, tea, sugar, milo... etc. Everything you need for a hot drink is in there as well! All I will say is that its a big success and we are doing it again soon!

The paper on Sat was alright. Just hope I get the grade I aimed for. I find the subject the toughest this sem. However, we are all just waiting to get it over and done with as we were looking forward to the party up in Brissie that arvo. Thomas and myself went to the beach in the mid arvo for more training and running and footy before a yummy fish n chips lunch. We then proceed over to Brissie for his birthday barbie and finally got to meet his family. The food was good, company was awesome. We then went out with friends to club at Met. Good place with beautiful bars and even the main dancefloor has cages filled with dancers in them. Definitely an experience!

The night ended at around 4 for me while Thomas stayed on with his tall blonde for another hour or so. We all stayed over at his place and had a good breakkie at 10 before coming back to the beach on the coast again!~ Haha. Such beach bums.

Dinner was cooked by Michelle's mum and both of us just popped over soon after. The best chicken schnitzel and yumy potato salad! What a way to end the weekend! I crashed on her couch and fell asleep for almost an hour before I managed to convince myself to get up to drive home. Ha~! So tired... only a couple hours of sleep the night before and couldn't sleep well on Fri night as well.

Just another 6 weeks and end sem exams are here. Shall relax one more week before we all start engines again~!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lucky. Crazy Week.

You know you are in luck when you don't have to cook for a week. 2 weeks ago, I had my surprise by Cindy. Her Bento set and porridge still leaves me wanting more. Just as when I thought it was an one-off thing by her, I received another text by Amelia the last week. It was a simple msg, "Little brother, do come by my office to collect chicken rice, curry and beef noodles. You know the drill." Wow. Am I in luck or what?

Chicken rice, Beef kway teow and chicken curry... yum yum..

Gosh. I feel so pampered by these 2 self-proclaimed big sisters of mine. They told me they just want me to focus on study and not worry about cooking dinner. Really thanks to both of them that I got through the previous 2 weeks smoothly.

Matthew is fantastic! His mutton mee goreng and sticky date pudding is freaking nice as well. Even Amelia said that she is willing to pay for it if he ever think of selling. Hehe. Great knowing so many wonderful chefs.

The week ahead is not any easier. Having 3 assessments on Wed; 2 lab quizs and Biomechanics mid-sem exam. Then another Biochemistry mid-semester exam on Sat. To add on, mega-huge lab report due on Tuesday. Its a hectic week. I slept over at Jess's on Sat night as we had to study for all the assessments and the lab report to finish.

Had been invited for a couple dinner parties lately. All thanks to Michelle who did all the introduction. The night at Club-twenty1, dinner-movie-dancing night and thai-dinner. Beautiful evenings it had been, I am looking forward to Wed night! Just the thought of it is simply exciting! Mexican night! Here I come~!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Dom~!

The youngest in my family just turned 17!! Haha, gone are the days when my mum used to pronounced his name wrongly for a few years. Sometimes we do miss the term 'Dom-min-ack!!!' screeeching from mum's mouth. Haha.

With both sister and myself studying overseas for the past year, he had been all alone at home. Being the only child is boring, he claims in the beginning. I guess its when all attention gets showered on him and he might not be used to it. Haha. Well, our little boy is all grown up!

Yes.. a very pro shot...

Although we have our fights last time, everything still turned out well for both of us in the end. Now, being 17, all I hope is that he is more mature and no longer that silly and gullible. As what my mum sometimes call him, 大木头.

Last family pic I had... with Chef Robert... little girl missing tho..

I do not have much pictures of him. So I guess will have to make do with some latest family pictures I managed to salvage one way or another.

I was surprised when Dominic picks up Salsa. He had been dancing for half a year now. I would say still got a long way to go for him. Always saying that he want to join me at Union Square, I guess that will have to wait for 3 more months. By then, hopefully he would had worked up the courage to approach people for dance as well and not be sitting there having drinks.

Can you spot him?.. hehehe..

Well, little brother o'mine, Happy 17th Birthday and do your best for the following year! We all love you and I miss you! We are proud of you for making the honorary roll for First Year!@

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Good meal.

Blink of an eye, mid-semester exams are here. Maths and Statistics paper tomorrow morning followed by Exercise Physiology on Monday. Biochemistry and Biomechanics would be in 2 weeks time. Having so much to study for, dinner usually is a problem. I have to decide what to cook for the night as I would be packing half of that for lunch next day as well. What it all means, is that I have to cook enough to last me 2 meals.

Besides, I usually meet Bernie, Linda and Jason for dinner on Thursday. So ever since he resumed his work in Hilton again, I would had to think of other plans.

So yesterday as I was busy wondering what to cook for dinner, I saw a message sent to me by a friend, Amelia. Apparently, another friend in Uni had cooked me food and packed it nicely just waiting for me to collect it the next day. Problem solved~!

So today as I walked to the Staff office to collect my food, I was thinking at most its a tupperware. However, imagine the look on my face when I saw this...

I must be dreaming...

Another angle of the fully prepared dinner...

A freaking Bento set! Rice with Sambal prawn, Ma-po toufu (嘛婆豆腐), egg, chicken in yummy sauce! Not only that, a huge bowl of fish and scallops porridge and a platter of dessert! Oh man~! All stacked nicely in the brown bag! This can fill me up for 2 meals! Haha.

The rice is yummy. Believe it or not, I got full when I finished three-quarter of the set! Feeling guilty not having touched the porridge, I took a spoonful. I reckon Aunty Cindy should open a chinese cafe here in Gold Coast. The porridge has a generous serving of scallops and fish! Every spoon has at least 2 chunks of scallops and fish in it!

The dessert... well, the chocolate sauce to pour over the warm chocolate cake. Yummy~! Now I asked myself, why didn't I get to know them sooner?! I know she dislikes being called Aunty so for just this once, Cindy Jiejie cooked yummy food! Haha.

Damn, am I lucky or what~!