Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The potent soup.

I never know buffet in Aust is so expensive. A decent one can cost AUD$70 per pax and no guarantee that its a good one. So when told that there is a good one in a grand hotel/resort and it cost only AUD$39, alot of us jumped at the idea. What was meant as a small gathering with only a couple of us turned out to be turnout of 8, with 1 dropping out last minute. Although Matthew had tried it 2 weeks ago and said it was not bad, we were told not to expect too much. However, when we arrived, I can say we were a bunch of hungry lions which looked as if we have not eaten for a couple days. Haha. We swept through plates and plates of fresh oysters, large tiger prawns and cold crab! We were given a bucket to put in the shells and remnants of seafood and yours truly filled 2 buckets on his own! Seafood overdose I believe.

It was a nice dinner with some chit chat and jokes all around the table and sure its fun having this group talking nonsense. After dinner, they wanted to go for coffee. I opted to go back to take out my contact lens first and it was only in the car when I realised how late it really was and had to back out of the after-dinner event. Felt so bad for flying them aeroplane and I did explain to them about it. Reached home, grab a can of Red-bull and drink it to keep myself awake and start studying again. All the way to 3am! WoOt!

the 'small' grp...

Last night was feeling abit adventurous so I took out my ginseng-chicken herbs and start boiling tonic soup for myself. It reads on the packet to boil for 2-3 hours and the effects of it are simply "keeps the mind alert and improves mental strength". I thought why not give it a try since I downed a can of Redbull the night before and it kept me awake for so long. Besides, I do need the extra mental capacity and alertness.

So I boiled it for a max of 3 hours, and was afraid of having a mixture of food might cause the tonic not to work properly, so I had it plain with white rice.

here it is... my ginseng chicken soup.. 4 drumsticks leh..

It taste good and I was relieved. I did not ask anyone over for dinner also cause its my first time trying. BUT the moment I take a small break by sitting on the cushions to catch some tv, I fell asleep! Nabei... What's with the keeping mind alert and increasing mental strength part?!... Bluff people one~! The only mental strength I 'got' was to sleep in front of tv?! Rubbish~...

Think the remaining half of the soup would be used for lunch today and after dinner would be another can of Redbull liao. Basket... gave me hope that its supposed to be strong.. *grumble*


Anonymous said...

errrr ... take beer dude ... lots of beer .. it helps!

I do it all the time ahahahaha yum yum

Ben... said...

hahaha... but beer doesn't keep u awake.. it makes u burp non stop.. hahaha.. last thing i want is to keep burping during exams or think of burping... hahaha..