Friday, October 19, 2007

Cranky mood lately...

Yea, the title says it all. I believe cranky mood + thoughts of the past and coincide with bad timing, do not make a good combination. By any case, spoken to another and it just kinda highlighted a point to me last night. Am just gonna remove it now and would like to clarify that any harm done was not intended. Just hope the person whom I think I offended accidentally might not take it too hard.

Adding on to that, with the fact that am missing out on SISF, sigh... went for the memorable one last year when we broke the Guinness Books of Records for the total number of couples in a reuda circle then partying the night away followed by a mad rush to look for my passport for my trip to Hong Kong the very next day. It was all fun, fun and more fun!

Argh.. slept at 4am and woke up at 6am to send Eziq to the airport. Believe I would be struggling the rest of the day until 5pm when lessons end. Problem is that I totally forgot about it until the minute before I sleep then I realised that I had to wake up 2 hours later to make the half an hour drive.

Hope the steak dinner tonight would be good. Accompanied with it would be the bottle of Club Red. (Mel.. ring any bells?) It was a last minute arrangement and looking at the way things are, seems like gonna be an early night for me.

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