Sunday, October 14, 2007


I just went off to see my aunt earlier in the afternoon. Mainly its to discuss about where and when to move my things over. I am moving out of my current place and would need a place to store my belongings and no way am I paying somewhere close to AUD$1500 just to store my stuff in my current room. Blame it on my current landlord for not agreeing to lower the rent further down. Already I am paying AUD$120 a week and he would only lower it down to AUD$100 for the summer break which I would not be here. Other places charges around AUD$50 a week just to hold the room and it makes no sense for me to hang on to this room while paying such a huge amount.

Our conversation did not start with the moving of stuff, of course. It all started when she told me about what my mum had been telling her. Aunt is unhappy, making me unhappy. Apparently my mum do NOT want me to even go back home. NOT even for this long summer vacation it seems. She seems more concern of the rent amount that would incur if I were to go back. Fact is that I discuss the issue of me moving out with her and dad even before I notify anyone else.

Then the conversation leads to how independent am I. Hey, if you want me to live on my own expenses. Tell me so. Don't tell me its alright in the face about finance issue then go behind my back and tell someone else another story. I am damn pissed. I am not going to write more about this cause this IS the internet for Christ's sake. I just needed a place to write it out to vent frustrations.

Will go back to Singapore to have a good talk with her and to find out what is that she really wants from me. Its not that long til I go back anyway. I just checked and it says 36 days to going home. Meanwhile, should at least try to focus on the more important task at hand for now. Exams in 20 days.

P.S. - May Ee - You are lucky you do not have so much shit happening. Sometimes it really sucks to be me.


Anonymous said...

i dont know what to say... im like so far away... but i also hoped i could be close to home like you in aussie, where i can fly home more often and my sch term is not 8 months long, with only a 2 week festive break for xmas and new year.... unlike the aus edu system.

oh well.. since we both chose our paths, deal with it.

ps. there's more hidden emotions than just smiley pics in my blog.


Anonymous said...

Sry to hear dat bro ... rest assured that things will turn for the better ... you've got you health which is more than enuf to enjoy every little thing that comes ur way ... u can walk in the sunrise, capturing the whiffs of cool breeze, stare out into the horizon and take in all the colors of the sky ... despite your hardship, rest assured that life is never as hard as it seems to be .. Keep on smiling :)