Saturday, November 17, 2007


Was out shopping yesterday when I walked past those small stores with bunch of ladies standing around. I was look at the shops nearby when suddenly this short ang moh approached me. She stopped me in my steps and the following conversation took place.

Lady: Hi there, shopping?
Me: er.. yea..
Lady: Got a girlfriend?
Me: Huh?
Lady: Got a minute?
Me: err... yea..

She took my left hand, selected my middle finger and started to file them.

Lady: Let me surprise you. Don't be alarmed.
Me: Oh...

Her mouth went on and on abt some filing products that cost AUD$80. A filing block, hand cream and some lotion which was made from the Dead Sea. Well, the speed she was talking at reminds me alot of the M16 that we fire during NS and it was that fast. After a minute of explaining all the products while she manhandled me hand,...

Lady: Ready to be surprised?
Me: Huh?... I guessed so...

This is what my middle finger looked like after that one minute.

Notice the difference?

Time to flash my middle finger more often. =)

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