Saturday, November 17, 2007

Languages of Love.

Last night the BBQ was fantastic. The food, the drinks, the atmosphere. Invited Eziq and a couple friends and we had a fantastic time. Soon, we came across an interesting topic; "Languages of Love; Touch. Acts of service. Gifts. Words. Time." It got us chatting for the next hour or so and got to say, it does hold certain truth in it. Everyone usually demostrate 2 dominant characteristic traits out of the 5.

Refers to hugs, holding hands and other intimate stuff. Basically all the physical side of the relationship.

Acts of service
The things that one do for another. Like washing of car, doing dishes,...etc

Presents lor. What else.

Be it spoken or written. Words move pple. No one can deny that.

Quality time spent with one another. Time-off taken to accompany one another.

Normally people overlook each other's good points and thus, resulting in a couple fighting, ending a relationship. Tamsin listed one example.

One couple ended their relationship based on both feeling unappreciated all the time. However, when spoken to individually, its easy to see why. The guy is more of the Acts of services and Words kinda guy. The girl is more of the Gifts and Touch. He will do little things like washing her car, sending her to work instead of asking her to drive for her. He will also write nice cards and is good with his words. She, on the other hand, give ties, wine-opener etc. Most of the time, all she wants are hugs, kisses and cuddles. So after much discussion with another friend, they got back together and known to appreciate each other more. And she did mentioned that they are still together.

I guess its kinda true. One tend not to see the 2 common traits that their own partner show and as a result, the relationship might not work. Don't you think?

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