It had been a hectic 2 weeks. Aside from studies alone, activities were packed with driving a bus up to Brissie to watch the NDP with 200 other Singaporeans, working and training. Only the 3rd week and already had a test and 2 lab quizs. More to come in the following weeks. I will survive.
I had my first chance of driving a bus up to UQ last Sat. It wasn't as tough as I thought it might be given the fact that I had not driven a manual car for more than a year. My legs were to used to having only 2 peddles and with the additional one, it took me some time to get used to. As we had too many people, someone had to hire a car to follow my bus. However, for safety reasons, we placed all the newcomers in my bus as Sam and I are the only ones who know the roads in GC.
My ride...We went to Sunnybank for lunch as we all know the newcomers missed local delights alot. Then the whole night ended with a wonderful meal of 点心 at Mannors。As we had too many people, we had to be split into 2 tables and it was refreshing to have Bernie joining us for supper and our tables just couldn't stop laughing with Gavin and Bernie cracking jokes one after another.
Sam and I agreed that although the night had been long and we were both very tired, we have to send the newcomers back one by one as it was too late to expect them to go home themselves upon reaching GC. So by the time we sent everyone back, it was alrdy 3am. I went to Sam's place for tea before I go home to rest.
I had started working last week and it was good. I had been teaching in Uni. I applied to be a Biophysics tutor and had been teaching at tutorials and am conducting 1 lab session. The pay was alright for the stuff I am doing and it had been an easy job for the past 2 weeks. Never taught lab sessions before and it had not been as tough as I thought it might be. Hopefully in time to come, things would be the same and pose no difficulty to me.
The sun creeping out of the horizon at 6am...The weekly trainings had started and going into the 3rd week now, we are all having fun and no doubt we all hope training will continue til end of semester. Hehe. The difficult part is always having to wake up at 5am but the reward is worth it. The sun rise is beautiful, beach and waves are out of this world. We did all sorts of training and the main motive was to boost our fitness after a sedentary first half of the year.
Preparing for training... Tom, Jess and Nathan.. Michelle and Kyla missing...
End of training.. Sun up and shining... 7am..The pics here doesn't look that great, mainly because it was a cloudy day and yours truly was in no mood having pulled hamstrings of both legs. Hopefully more pics to come in the near future...
Sometimes its good that we are busy.. it keeps our mind off lotsa things doesn't it? Been so busy that there had been no time to call home and I was out of touch with my family for almost a month... but glad to know that Mum and Dad still misses me. They called for an hour chat last week. Although it shortens my sleep time before morning training, it was great knowing you are missed!~ *grin*