party... checked...
Acceptance into Masters... checked...
Party... checked...
Preparation for parents arrival... checked...
I just checked my results, relieved to know that I am graduating afterall. Haha. Not that its any surprise. After the end of exams, it was a day or 2 of rest before the massive drinking and partying begins.
18 Nov - Wed
Last paper. Went straight to the tavern for drinks right after. We spent a couple hours there, drinking away, talking about our future plans. Can't believe that it had all ended.
20 Nov- Fri
Dinner and drinks at Leanne's. Alot of drinking and definitely alot of fun. Most of the tutors or academic staff were also invited and it was nice mingling with everyone on a casual, non-formal setting.
Grp pic we had... among many that were taken..
Company was great. Some of us stayed til late into the night and we played Singstar! Haha. Didn't know I could reach the high notes of scissors sisters in their songs to beat the girls! Haha. Definitely had been drinking abit way too much as well. Haha. Jess and I stayed over and it was home to rest for a couple hours.
21 Nov - Sat
It was Jess's farewell. She is leaving for S. Africa and Canada for 5 months and is not attending graduation at all. Definitely alot of drinking again~ It was nice catching up with her family though. Having known them since last year and been attending their family gatherings, it was not difficult to fit in. I had to wear some funky glasses cause I wasn't in any costume while she was in a Dutch maid's uniform.
See you soon, buddy!~ Miss ya~
I guess the surprise came when we say our good-byes. She was alright when bidding farewell to everyone else, but when its my turn... She started crying. Her make-up runs and I was surprised. Her Sisters were telling me that its alright and just that she and I had gotten too close over the past year. In the end, Jess still walked me to my car before I head back. Will definitely catch up with her when she returns.
22 Nov - Sun
Dinner with Eziq and Cindy. Was a nice time catching up with them and hopefully we will meet up soon before she flies.
Dinner at Little Singapore..
23 Nov - Monday
Mel's birthday. Called him but he did not pick up.
I had my interview for my Masters as well. To be honest, the only preparation I did for the interview, was to choose the right shirt and tie to wear. Other than that, nothing. Call it confidence or what-so-ever, I knew I could do it. It was me against a panel of 3 interviewers. After the whole interview and it was my turn to ask questions, the following dialogue took place.
Me (M): When will I hear from you again? Interviewer (I): Either this afternoon or over the next few days. We want to let selected individuals have enough time to consider our offer before accepting.
I asked a couple more questions pertaining to the course and also my return flight as well. Then just as I was about to take my leave, the one in charge stopped me.
I: Ben, tell you what. I am giving you the conditional offer now. Would you like to accept it? You don't have to tell me now. You can take a week to consider and get back to us. Just to let you know, we only accept 10 students a year and you are the first and only one to be given the conditional offer on the spot.
M: Thank you very much. Yes, I will definitely contact you over the next few days about the offer. Thank you for your time once again.
And so, yes... I already accepted the offer. And since I am due to graduate, my acceptance is confirmed. After that acceptance, it was more drinking and gathering. I was also doing up my administrative stuff for my Masters as well, i.e; Visa, fees... etc.
Now just got to wait for parents' arrival tomorrow morning before we fly off to Sydney together on Thurs. Would be gone for a week then back in time for graduation. Not sure when I will be writing again. Til then. AdiĆ³s..